Coping with the loss of a loved one can be one of the most trying times of your life. When your family member's death was caused by another party's negligence or wrongdoing, the grieving process only intensifies In these instances, you may have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit and receive the closure and financial compensation to which you and your family are entitled.
By definition, wrongful death is when a person is killed due to the negligence or misconduct of another party. Those who were dependent on, or a beneficiary of, may be entitled to monetary damages.
While states across America have passed wrongful death statutes in order to compel manufacturing companies, hospitals, and doctors to act carefully in their professional responsibilities, wrongful deaths do occur in situations such as:
Wrongful death lawsuits can stem from hospital workers' negligence in the emergency room, such as performing surgical errors, misdiagnosing a health condition, or prematurely discharging a patient.
If an anesthesiologist fails in their professional responsibilities and administers a fatal, anesthetic dosage.
Automobile companies may be held responsible for defective products in their automobile, while trucking companies may be held accountable for truck accidents if their employee breaks trucking regulations.
Each state allows the heirs of a family to file a wrongful death lawsuit in the event of another party's negligence causing the death of a loved one. Factors that courts consider when determining the amount of compensation one may receive include:
While no amount of financial payment can ever compensate for the loss of a loved one, being financially secure in your future and the comfort of responsible parties being brought to justice can provide a sense of closure and security to survivors.
The laws involved in wrongful death lawsuits are complicated and vary in each state. During your grieving period, consideration of a wrongful death lawsuit may not seem urgent-however, wrongful death cases must be filed within a specific time period or you risk losing your right to financial compensation.
You need the help of experienced, wrongful death attorneys to guide you through the process and help you to receive the monetary damages you are entitled to. Contact Daniel D. Martin & Associates, LLC today to request a complimentary case evaluation. Call
(302) 658-2884 today!
Delaware Address: 1301 N. Harrison St., Dorset Building, Suite #105, Wilmington, DE 19806
Delaware Tel: (302) 658-2884
Delaware Fax: (302) 658-2889
Pennsylvania Address: 44 E. Front St., Media, PA 19063
Pennsylvania Tel: (877) 658-2884